Ik heb onderstaande via email ontvangen, maar gelijk er even een URL bijgezocht zodat er een verificatie gedaan kan worden; ik had zat hits ieg, dus voor reden om aan te nemen dat de informatie ‘genuine’ is.
Als onderdeel van mijn blogposts over de Rand heb ik in deel 3 in juli 08 al aangegeven dat de nieuwe currency van Zim de Rand gaat zijn. Groot is mijn verbazing niet als in het onderstaande artikel de Rand genoemd word als het ‘anker’ voor de nieuwe Zim$. Iets wat onhaalbaar is zonder een daadwerkelijke verankering in die munt die tweezijdig werkt; maw een mogelijk doodsvonnis voor de Rand….
Maar goed, verder staat er nog interessante informatie over de migratiegolf van geheel Zuiderlijk Afrika richting de v/h regenboognasie en de gevolgen hiervan ( die niet allemaal negatief hoeven te zijn…. )
Oh ja, en nog dat luxe probleem genaamd cholera.
Ter Info,
Zimbabwe: Despair and Despondency - Eddie Cross
One of the most bizarre aspect of the past week was the leaking of a paper
prepared by Gono, the illegally appointed Governor of the Reserve Bank,
where he sets out plans to adopt the Rand as an anchor currency and suggests
that mineral and other high value exports could generate up to US$1,2
billion a MONTH. His figures and rationale show no understanding of the
scale of the crisis we are in or the remedies required. The astonishing
thing is that this buffoon is actually taken seriously in Zanu PF circles. I
am sure the officials in government departments do not give this sort of
rubbish any credence – but they are not directing our affairs. Another of
his astonishing ideas is a 30 per cent export tax!
In the meantime, Rome burns. Cholera infections (official only) are now
nearly 50 000 with reported deaths at over 3000. Aids deaths continue at
about 3000 a week, human flight at whatever figure you want to estimate –
but not less than 25 000 a week. Deaths from TB, malaria, child deaths and
death of women in childbirth run at another 1000 or so a week. It is a
silent genocide and Grace Machel said it best this past week when she
slammed SADC leadership for standing by and doing nothing, in fact making
the situation worse by not acting to support democracy, the rule of law and
all international standards of human and political rights.
One of the worst centers for cholera and the town with the highest death
toll (18 per cent of all infected) is Chegutu, about 100 kilometers from
Harare to the south. This past week a fellow MP told me that he went to the
local hospital to try and get an impression of what was going on. All he
found was an empty shell – every thing that could be moved had been stolen,
there were no staff on duty and the complex was abandoned.
Another colleague stood up in Parliament and said he had just visited a
relative in the local Prison. He detailed conditions in both the remand
section and in the main prison itself. Hundreds of prisoners ill with
cholera, little or no treatment available, dead bodies left in the cells for
days and food rations down to 25 per cent of “normal”. It was a chilling
statement and was received in complete silence by the House.
Eddie Cross
Bulawayo, January 24th 2009