Where ever u are...

  • Loeky

    Don't be Naive an even think off that ‘this will never happen to me’… yes it could, hopeful not but always be prepared for action if you live in those type of countries!

    Are u an permanent resident and authorities wont give u a ‘'gun licence’' leave the place instantly! (except if u have other proper means of defending yourself an is also depending where u live)

    Are u on or going on holidays, than the chance that something like this happens is very small an you don't need to worry if your not naive and stick to the global travel rules!


    Groetjes vanuit een zonnig Zuid Afrika !?

  • Loeky

    A small remark on this heavy subject I need to add, if you live in an isolated area and considering (if not have already) a peace of equipment like that I suggested, remember that u also need to train with the thing (even if only once or twice) preferably with a coach on a piste somewhere, the police does the same.

    If not properly trained the thing may be Used Against You rather sooner than later!!

    And next to that the authorities obligate you to keep it in your safe wile being at home. (did i mention children? be aware, be careful)

    In the Netherlands a firearm is related to criminal offences, this on the contrary in SA where it may safe your life! (even if only ones in a lifetime, how many lives u got, right!)

    Not to exaggerate the subject an that's why in most cases a nice fit doggy is sufficient contra power for people living in patrolled areas.

    Holidaymakers and Clifton jet-setters don't you even worry at all, this is full time residence matter!

  • Aryan

    Hoi Loeki,

    Een permanent resident in SA heeft alle rechten en plichten die een ‘gewone’ SA inwoner ook heeft, op het stemrecht en SA reis paspoort na.

    Dit betekent dat je voor het verkrijgen van een licentie voor een wapen je aan een aantal voorwaarden moet voldoen, en die voorwaarden zijn vrij duideijk vastgelegd in de grondwet.

    De/een reden om een wapen te dragen is om je beschermen tegen dit soort ‘onverlaten’

  • Aryan