verhaaltje vers uit ZIm

  • Aryan

    Via email aangekomen; dus geen URL….

    Lees, huil, leer en weet dat dit nooit in SA kan en mag gebeuren.



    News from Zimbabwe

    Subject: I am failing them

    Dear Family and Friends,

    In the main supermarket in my home town this weekend there were too many empty

    shelves to count. In the fortnight since Mr Mugabe was sworn in as President for

    his sixth term, everyday life has gone from struggle to complete crisis. No one

    is coping now and in the last two weeks virtually all foodstuffs, toiletries and

    household goods have completely disappeared from stores. On what should have

    been a busy weekend morning in our once thriving town, the car park was

    virtually empty and the only things to buy in the cavernous supermarket were

    cabbages, butternut squash, lemons, fizzy drinks and a few packets of meat.

    “Where are all your goods?” I asked one shop attendant.

    “There is nothing,” he said, “the suppliers say they have nothing to deliver.”

    I stood while he weighed the butternut squash I had chosen and exclaimed in

    shock at the 30 billion dollar price sticker he fixed to the vegetable.

    “Can I show you something?” the man said and before I could answer he took his

    most recent pay slip out of his pocket. For an entire month the shop assistant

    had earned just 28 billion dollars - not even enough to buy one single butternut

    squash. Eight hours a day, five and half days a week and his entire salary was

    not enough to provide even one single meal. He told me he had a wife and a child

    to support and said with remorse and shame in his voice:

    "I am failing them and if I do not jump the border to look for work this month

    then they are surely going to die."

    They are simple words stating a simple fact - people are surely going to die

    here in Zimbabwe if this situation continues for much longer. Despite their

    desperate determination to stay in power and retain their 28 years of

    leadership of the country, Zanu PF have so far not even acknowledged the

    critical shortage of foodstuffs and basic medicines let alone done anything

    about resolving it.

    Everywhere people have stories of such deprivation and suffering to recount and

    we are a nation in a permanent state of shock. Shock that our lives have been

    reduced to this. Shock that yet again the UN have been unable to find a common

    voice. Shocked that the violence and brutality continues and shocked that yet

    again we are hearing of talks about talks about talks. On the 29th March the MDC

    won a parliamentary majority, It is long past time for them to be sworn in and

    take up the reigns and lead Zimbabwe out of this hell. Until next week, thanks

    for reading, love cathy.

    Copyright cathy buckle .12 July 2008. My books: “African Tears” and “Beyond Tears” are

    available in South Africa from: and in the UK from:

  • Reisgraag

    Via e-mail ontvangen ??? Of gezien via deze URL:

  • paulus

    Interessant is deze website van Eddie Cross. Eddie Cross is de schaduwminister van MDC voor economische zaken.

    Ook interessant mbt inflatie is de website van de Zim dollar.

    op 1 juli 53 miljard , nu 150 miljard voor 1 us dollar

  • de Pol

    weeral een ellenlange Engelstalige copy-paste die velen niet lezen daar Nederlands onze moedertaal is.

  • Aryan

    Nee; persoonlijk per email ontvangen van 1 van mijn vele bronnen.

  • Rene


    ik begrijp het niet zo goed dit is toch een Zuidafrika pagina?



  • Aryan

    SA is mede verantwoordelijk voor het gemors in Zim.

    Bij name: Mbeki, en up-and-coming Zuma

    Mogen van mij naast mekaar zitten in het haagse hof.

  • Annemieke

    Nog meer landen staan te kijken en doen niets, wat doet Nederland???? uuuh niets dus.

    En inderdaad dit is de Zuid Afrika pagina. En niet van ZIM.

    He Aryan begin een Zim pagina, is dat niets voor jouw om dat te webmasteren??

    groetjes uit Zuid Afrika


  • Corné.

    Rusland-China-Libie-Vietnam stemde ook tegen sancties… jammer, gemiste kans. Maar ja, politiek he?


  • Hans

    En dan kan Mugabe gewoon door gaan met zijn “etnische zuiveringen” , waar blijven eigenlijk de demonstraties van de linkse partijen ..nee nee die zwijgen liever… want Mugabe was vroeger in hun ogen een verzetsheld …dank je de koekoek..het is gewoon een Dictator Eerste klas

    Weer wachten dat een land totaal wordt gezuiverd “The African Way of Live”

    Deze man moet snel worden geruimd..wat hij kent alleen maar de taal van Dood en Verderf.